
A minor frustration.

This post is going to be about one of the minor issues that I have when it comes to doing one of these Lego Churches year after year. It's a source of great frustration for me at times. More so than trying to get donations.

Trying to find sites to display my work. I will admit. It's hard for me to call a parish I have never been to, or approach a pastor at a place that I'm visiting. I may communicate well, but with the disabilities that I have, at times, social interaction is not one of my better strong points. More so when it comes to dealing with people over the phone.

I've run into all kinds of problems when I call various places. Sometimes they will agree for me to bring it out for a season, then you try the following year, they decide it's not something that they want to take part in. Other times they will not even consider the idea. Some of the reasons of course on that vary. The one that I've heard the most is that "something like your work must be very fragile"

The answer is rather simple. No it's not. In fact nothing short of C4 would be able to do any major damage to that project now that it's finished. I mean transporting this is not easy. So it has to be build to withstand that kind of abuse. More so when you have a lot of screaming kids.

Honestly? I'm not 100% sure on how to get the idea across. I mean you can only run into a brick wall so many times before you get extremely frustrated to the point you want to stop. I've crossed that bridge several times in the last few years. Thankfully I have my one site locked in for sure this season.

I guess it goes to the point of, work like this needs to be shared with the people. Pictures are nice, but they by no means, do this work justice. There is so much to see and experience year after year. Part of the reason why I am invited back to St. Helen's is that people want to see what I'm going to do next. Can I out do myself? Most of the time that answer is yes. Often times in one of the more creative ways around.

So anyway, keep me in your prayers. That I am able to find a few parishes willing to let me show off my work. Something to help keep this dream of mine alive. Till Then.


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